Working Papers
Housing Is the Financial Cycle: Evidence from 100 Years of Local Building Permits (slides) [Dec. 2024]
with Gustavo Cortes
Media: Yale Insights UF Warrington Newsroom QuantSeeker Macro Roundup
Does the housing market lead the financial cycle? We address this question by creating a new hand-collected database spanning a century of monthly building permit quantities and valuations for all U.S. states and the 60 largest MSAs. We show that the option to build embedded in permits renders volatility in residential building permit growth (BPG) a strong predictor of aggregate and cross-sectional stock and corporate bond return volatility. This predictability remains even after conditioning on a battery of factors, including corporate and household leverage and firms’ exposure through their network of plants to other localized physical risks like natural disasters. Cities and states with more elastic housing supply consistently predict financial market downturns at 12-month horizons, resulting in new trading strategies to hedge against overbuilding risk. A noisy rational expectations framework in which local building permits serve as a quasi-public signal for dividends explains these empirical patterns.

Picking Up the PACE: Loans for Residential Climate-Proofing (slides) [Dec. 2024]
with Aymeric Bellon, Francesco Mazzola, & Guosong Xu
Invited for dual submit review at the Journal of Financial Economics
Media: Yale Insights Central Florida NPR Florida PACE Florida Politics
Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans allow homeowners to fund investments in green residential projects through their property tax payments. We collect new PACE loan-level data and develop a novel approach to recover households’ home improvement investment decisions from permit descriptions. PACE projects are capitalized into home values, but expansions of the property tax base are partially offset by an uptick in tax delinquency rates among borrowers. Lenders in PACE-enabled counties expand mortgage credit access, indicating improved recovery values despite a PACE lien’s super seniority. Overall, PACE adoption increases local fiscal income while improving climate-proofing of the housing stock.

Interest Rate Caps, Corporate Lending, and Bank Market Power: Evidence from Bangladesh [Feb. 2025]
with Yusuke Kuroishi & Yuhei Miyauchi
How does market power in the corporate banking sector influence the effects of interest rate cap policies on credit allocation? We study this question using administrative credit registry data from Bangladesh, where the Central Bank capped the interest rate on corporate loans at 13% in 2009, relative to a pre-reform average interest rate of 14.5%. We apply a difference-in-differences design with variation in pre-regulation, branch-level interest rates as an exposure measure and find that a one percentage point cap-induced drop in rates increased lending amounts by 30% over the two years of the cap regime. This increase in lending is not driven by changes in banks’ costs of supplying credit, as proxied by the riskiness of the borrower pool or deposit funding costs. Our results point to substantial credit under-provision due to banks’ market power in an emerging markets context, even in the presence of relationship lending.

Property Tax Sales, Private Capital, and Gentrification in the U.S. (slides) [revising]​
Media: Yale Insights Amicus Brief for Tyler v. Hennepin County GW Policy Brief
Center for Community Progress Blog HUD Congressional Report
Local governments recover revenues from overdue tax bills by auctioning off super senior claims to homes at semi-annual tax lien or tax deed sales. Using detailed data on over 18,000 tax lien sales linked to owners’ overdue tax payment histories, I document tax liens sell at a much larger haircut than mortgage foreclosed homes – for less than 10% of ex ante assessed value in the vast majority of cases. Prices of homes neighboring a tax lien sale property, on average, decline within the first two years of the sale. However, in gentrifying areas, large positive pricing spillovers emerge within three years, driven by investors’ conversion of former tax lien properties into luxury housing and commercial amenities. Underrepresented minority homeowners are more likely to be displaced by tax delinquency and less likely to transact homes in areas containing recent tax sales to institutional buyers. Private capital’s presence in the municipal finance ecosystem has amplified gentrification and the within-city Black-white wealth gap.

Spatially Targeted LTV Policies and Collateral Values (slides) [March 2024]
with Chun-Che Chi & Ming-Jen Lin
Reject & Resubmit at the Journal of Finance
Governments regulate household leverage at a national level, even when credit and housing market conditions vary across locations. We document that loan-to-value limits targeting specific neighborhoods can curb local house price growth. We combine administrative data from Taiwan covering the universe of mortgages, personal income tax returns, geocoded housing transactions, and bank balance sheets. Applying matched difference-in-differences and border difference-in-discontinuity designs, we find leverage limits are effective at persistently reducing local house prices in expensive, high-income neighborhoods, without reducing delinquency or inducing mortgage credit rationing. Consumers avoid place-based mortgage restrictions by obtaining inflated appraisals and moving to less regulated areas.

Flip or Flop? Tobin Taxes in the Real Estate Market (slides) [Jan. 2025]
with Chun-Che Chi & Ming-Jen Lin
Macroprudential and housing affordability concerns have led governments to consider transfer taxes targeting investors in an effort to bring down house prices. We introduce a heterogeneous investor model with rental rate and pricing risk to study how policymakers should set tax rates to deter speculative housing transactions. We calibrate the model using the universe of personal income tax returns and bunching responses around notches in a sales tax schedule imposed on investment properties in Taiwan. Applying sufficient statistics formulas or recasting the problem as a price-rent ratio targeting exercise results in a tax on property flips of between 4% and 5% — close to the flat transfer tax rates imposed in many global real estate markets. Levying higher sales taxes on second homes increases price levels and leads to large overall welfare losses, but improves welfare for renters on the margin of homeownership.

Place-Based Policies and the Geography of Corporate Investment (slides) [Jan. 2024]
with Shogo Sakabe
Media: VoxEU Yale Insights
Growing spatial inequality has led policymakers to enact tax breaks to attract corporate investment and jobs to economically peripheral regions. We demonstrate the importance of multi-plant firms' physical capital structure for the take-up and efficacy of industrial place-based policies by studying a national bonus depreciation scheme in Japan which altered the relative cost of capital across locations, offering high-tech manufacturers immediate cost deductions from their corporate income tax bill. Combining corporate balance sheets with a registry containing investment by plant location and asset type, we find the policy generated big gains in employment and investment in building construction and in machines at pre-existing production sites. The policy produced a welfare gain of $56.72 billion, or 40% of total annual corporate profits. For eligible firms, plant-level hiring in ineligible areas outstripped that in eligible areas, suggesting reallocation of resources within firms' internal capital and labor markets mitigates the spatial misallocation inherent in subsidizing low productivity areas.

You Only Lend Twice: Corporate Borrowing and Land Values in Real Estate Cycles (slides) [revising]
Media: Crain's New York The Real Deal
Japan price index data JMP version JMP slides

I use a natural experiment in 1980s Japan to provide evidence of the feedback loop between corporate borrowing and commercial property investment emphasized in macro-finance models with collateral constraints. Following national land use deregulations, firms located in previously land use constrained areas borrowed and invested more in real estate, reinforcing the initial positive shock to land values. I develop a multi-city spatial model with real estate collateral which uses reduced form estimates of the deregulation on firm outcomes to assess aggregate policy effects. The deregulation and corporate borrowing frictions together amplified the aggregate cycle and promoted growth in superstar cities.
Coming in at a Trickle: The Optimal Frequency of Public Benefit Payments (slides) [October 2024]
with Shogo Sakabe
How governments should choose the frequency of payments has received little
attention in the literature on the optimal design of benefits programs. We propose a
simple model in which the government chooses the interval length between payments,
subject to a tradeoff between costs of providing more frequent transfers and welfare
gains from mitigating consumption non-smoothing. Using a high-frequency retail
dataset that links consumers to their purchase history, we apply the model to the
Japanese National Pension System. Our evidence suggests suboptimal intra-cycle
consumption patterns, with negligible retailer price discrimination. Model calibrations
support moving to weekly or biweekly pay schedules. For governments facing rapidly aging populations, our results imply lowering pension payment frequency may be a budget-preserving alternative to raising retirement age thresholds.

Winners, Losers, and Near-Rationality: Heterogeneity in the MPC out of a Large Stimulus Tax Rebate [revising]
with Takashi Unayama
This paper documents heterogeneous spending out of a large stimulus tax rebate by exposure to the 1980s Japanese housing market turbulence. Linking geocoded household expenditure and financial transactions data to a new set of local housing price indices in Japan, we estimate a U-shaped pattern in the marginal propensity to consume with respect to housing price growth. Recipients living in areas with the smallest housing price gains during the 1980s spent 47% of the 1994 rebate within three months of payment, compared to 24% among recipients in areas which experienced the largest housing price gains. We find limited heterogeneity in marginal propensities to consume among households in less affected areas, but MPCs are higher for younger, renter households with no debt residing in more affected areas. Our results are consistent with near-rationality rather than a liquidity constraint story. Winners who are less exposed to housing risk respond more to payments, implying policies which target losers from housing market downturns may be less effective at stimulating consumption.

Published Papers
Property Tax Policy and Housing Affordability
with Emily Horton, Byron Lutz, Nathan Seegert, & Jared Walczak
National Tax Journal, 77(4): 861-901, 2024
Media: Yale Insights Newsday Tax Foundation

We examine property tax reduction as a tool for increasing housing affordability. Analyzing various tax reduction policies through the lens of property tax incidence reveals a complex relationship between affordability and property taxes, with differential effects across demographic groups. Many policies often fail to improve affordability for young first-time homebuyers and renters, sometimes worsening affordability. We present a new nationwide atlas documenting the prevalence of local measures altering property tax burdens. Quasi-experimental evidence from Georgia's homestead exemption valuation freezes suggests strong capitalization of assessment limits into home values, reinforcing that property tax relief may worsen affordability for first-time buyers.
Works in Progress
Corporate Responses to Place-Based Policies
In preparation for Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance
Putting on the Ritz: Tax Increment Financing, Eminent Domain, and Local Economic Development
with Alina Arefeva & Evan Mast
Cross-Subsidization in Public vs. Private Lending Submarkets: Evidence from Reverse Mortgages
with Adam Jørring & Erik Mayer
Financing Green Home Energy Adoption