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Housing Markets (MGT 883)

Offered in Spring-1 2025

Course Description
We all make a financial decision every day by choosing where to live. The goal of this course is to provide a set of tools to guide us in this decision while exploring general features of housing markets. Topics covered include how to assess whether houses are over vs. under-valued, how to shop for mortgage contracts, the budgeting decision of whether to buy vs. rent, and the investment problem of being a multi-family residential landlord. The course content includes lectures, guest speakers, a take-home final exam, and assignments designed as step-by-step walkthroughs of housing investment problems. We will apply the tools in this course to analyze the role of policy in improving housing affordability as well as market disruptions caused by iBuyers and the advent of real estate fintech.

Enrollment Requirements
Reserved for MBA students, other students in master's programs at Yale SOM, and Yale Law School students. If there is space in the course, undergraduates and graduate students affiliated with other schools at Yale may enroll on a first-come, first-served basis by completing the steps with the Registrar as outlined here

There are no formal prerequisites for this course. However, a background in economics and/or finance is useful. Sourcing & Managing Funds is the most closely related course from the MBA year 1 core. Some concepts from Basics of Accounting, The Global Macroeconomy, and Investor will also reappear. 

Commercial Real Estate Investing (MGT 885)

Offered in Spring-2 2025

Course Description
This course offers a finance-based framework to analyze commercial real estate investment problems encountered in the real world. Topics covered include valuation, underwriting and financing properties, private equity vs. REITs, property development, and affordable housing. The course content includes lectures, guest speakers, cases, a take-home final exam, and assignments designed to help you gain practical experience evaluating individual assets and portfolios of properties. We will be using commercial leasing data to apply accounting and valuation principles to timely situations, including the “work-from-home” shock to the commercial real estate market and the recent transition from a low to high interest rate environment.

Enrollment Requirements
Reserved for MBA students, other students in master's programs at Yale SOM, and Yale Law School students. If there is space in the course, undergraduates and graduate students affiliated with other schools at Yale may enroll on a first-come, first-served basis by completing the steps with the Registrar as outlined here

There are no formal prerequisites for this course. However, a background in economics and/or finance is useful. Sourcing & Managing Funds is the most closely related course from the MBA year 1 core. Some concepts from Basics of Accounting, The Global Macroeconomy, and Investor will also reappear. 

Real Estate Finance (MGT 548/LAW 21401)

Not offered in 2024-2025

The syllabus and all course materials can be found on the Canvas page for the course (Yale NETID login required). 

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